News — sew
Sew the Days Away MASHUP!!!
bundle Discount dress fall hack Mashup sale sew Sew along sleeves store news top tunic
Warm up those motors, sharpen those blades, and fill your baskets with all the fabric becasue it is time for the Sew the 'Days Away' Mash Up. The Squared Away and Day by Day patterns are both designed for wovens and are the perfect patterns to blend in a gazillion different ways. To start off, grab your patterns - if you don't have them yet, you can get the Days Away bundle of both patterns for the low price of just $10. Only have one pattern and want the second??? Never fear, use code DaysAwayMash to save $2.95 off either...
Back to School - What you need!
back to school boys bundle check list discount girls sale sew women
Hey, Hey, Hey, how excited are you about school starting back!?!??! Ok, I realize that some of you are half way through your school year, or that you are one of the lucky few with year round school. But here in the North Eastern part of the good ol' USA I am counting down the days until all three of my babies go to school - and 2 of those are starting full day Kindergarten - WOOOHOOOOO!!!! But that count down also means, that my count down to back to school clothing is ON! We had a thread in the...
Upcycling a Magical, Multisize, Wrap Skirt
adjustable wiast costume dress up maxi skirt sew skirting the issue tutorial wrap skirt
I'm so excited to be a part of Skirting the Issue with Project Run And Play this year! Head on over to learn all aobut this month long sewing for a great cause - there is still time to sew up a skirt and donate to a local charity or the collaboration through PR&P. My daughter is starting to LOVE to play dress up. She loves costumes and props and anything that she can use to create and act out all the fantasies of her imagination. The problem is that while my imaginative girl is only 4 years old, she is already...
I Squid You Not - Octopus Are So Much Fun
boys cutting file EBTKS Henley FMA FMS free motion stitching heat transfer vinyl HTV naptime creations sew summer fun vinyl
I am so super duper excited to be joining in with the Summer Fun Blog Series at Naptime Creations. WOHOOOO! I have really gotten into embellishment in the last year of my sewing. It all started with my love of top stitching, which grew into a passion for free motion applique and rounded out with a squeal-worthy obsession with Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV). So as I thought of fun summer sewing projects, my brain instantly went to HTV. So HERE is a fun Freebie for those of you with cutting machines ;o) But if you don't have a cutting machine, don't...