News — giveaway
The 12 Days of Christmas 2020: Day 1
12 days 12 days of Christmas blog tour christmas giveaway perfect panel tee sale winter
It's HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The WWD 12 Days of Christmas are HEEEERRRRREEEEE!!!!!If you are new to Winter Wear Designs, strap in becasue this is the most fun we have all year long - EEEEEEEKKKKKKK It's the 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!Ok, ok, I'm going to dial back the coffee and give you the information you need to know to have the most fun this year.Join our Facebook Group - Winter Wear Designs Fun This is where all our Giveaways and Free Pattern announcements happen and where you can get the most up today information. Every day there is something new happening, and you...
Poolside Blog Tour: Day One
Boho Fabric fly girl girl giveaway hack Prize reversible suit swim swim fabric swim suit Trendy Tank
Welcome to the Poolside Blog Tour!!!! In my side of the world, it is summer, and in my family 'summer' means POOL! I have three kids on the swim team this year, and that means that I do laundry ever day...I mean, that means I spend a lot of time sitting by the side of the pool chatting with moms, getting a freckle tan (cause yeah, I don't tan), and cheering on my fish until I loose my voice. So you'll see some swim suits on this blog tour, but you are also going to see lots of...
Just Jeans Blog Tour: Day Two
adult blog tour boy boys Denim Discount girl girls giveaway Jeans Phresh Jeggings Prize sale self care self care sewing sew Sewing for Women skinny stretch tutorial women women's Women's Pattern
Welcome back to day two of the Just Jeans Blog Tour!!! All of the Jeans patterns are marked down to $5 this week only!!! Enter HERE to win 2 Patterns of Choice from WWD and a $20 Amazon Gift Card so that you can buy all those jean notions like jean thread, zippers, and rivets!!! Yesterday we kicked off with an overview of the things I have made from the Phresh Jeggings, Sk8 Skinnies and Real Deal Jeans. Along with the posts from An of Flaxfield Sewing who sewed up the Real Deal Jeans and Meriel of Elli and Nels who...
Boys Can Wear Pink
aviator pants blog tour boy boys cut file giveaway graphic joggers pajamas pink pjs prize store news win
It is so fun to be back this year with another contribution to 'Boys Can Wear Pink'! I love breaking the notion that a gender can own or be excluded from a color. Historically it just has never been true in fashion so why perpetuate a myth. My kids get the range of the rainbow to dress in, and it is totally cool that Mack's favorites are pink and purple and Asher's worst WORST favorite (meaning least favorite in 5 year old speak) is pink - ok Ash, I hear ya, no pink for you this year. But that leaves...